Sportzilla, charlesb52 and the SON.
My name is Charles aka charlesb52.
Motorcycling since 1978 I started with a Kawa Z400, then a Honda CX500 and in 1982 a Triumph Bonneville T140E.
Since 1991 I'm riding and caring about Sportsters; from 1991 untill 2012 a tuned XL883>1200, called Sportzilla1 and from 2012 the XR1200, tuned too: Sportzilla2.
Crossing Europe with joy; "Tanoshii!" they say in Japan, one of the most Sportster-minded countries in the world.
My friend Takayuki aka Bon advised me and now I use 楽しい ! as my motto.
Not only Sportzilla, but also the Sportster Owners Netherlands (SON), forum & club, has become more and more important since I started it in 2006: putting the Dutch Sportster-scene on the global 'motorcycle map'.